The green laser pointer is displayed with an analog beam. It emits a strong and narrow beam, which can be seen within a range of hundreds or even thousands of meters at night, depending on the sky conditions. The pointer favored by stargazers uses a neodymium diode laser and emits a green beam with a wavelength of 532 nanometers. At a given power setting, this laser appears to be much brighter than the more common diode lasers that produce red beams with wavelengths exceeding 630 nm. The reason is simple: the human eye is much more sensitive to green light than to red light. Except at night when it is extremely clear and close to zero humidity, if you shoot the Green laser pointer into the sky, you can track it along a beam of hundreds of meters. To you and anyone standing around you, the end of the beam appears to be any star or planet you are aiming at. This makes it very easy to show someone a particular celestial body. Just point the laser at it and say: "Look there!"